Give Securely Online:

Donate via First Love International Ministries’ secured donation page. 


Boracay Ministry Center


Ati Tribal Ministry & School


We continue to Praise the Lord for your prayers and gifts which are vital to this ministry.  As the ministry grows, the needs increase. If God would touch your heart to help and get more involved, please write to us at

- Dan & Tori Beaver

Other Ways To Give:

  • EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer) – Through this form, you can set-up automatic giving from your checking or savings account. You will be granting authorization to First Love International to automatically withdraw an amount you choose to give monthly or quarterly. You can request this form and directions by emailing

  • Mail Checks – Kindly write your checks to FIRST LOVE INTERNATIONAL and mail it to:

First Love International Ministries
P.O. Box 15836
Loves Park, IL 61132

Please retain a copy of forms/agreement you send to us for your own records. You will receive a tax deductible receipt for each donation.