Build it and They Will Come!

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AND THEY Will Come.

Ati School Developing

Rejoice with us as two new 'permanent' classrooms & three temporary classrooms have just been completed for the quickly growing Ati tribal school!

Malay Agape Sunbeam Academy

This new school year opened on June 2nd with 80 Ati students enrolled. You can see we are growing fast after doubling the enrollment of 40 students last year. We are so excited for the growth, as we see the Ati community very excited to participate in educating their children for the future of the Ati indigenous tribal people. We also have added three more grades; 4th, 5th and 6th grades! And all is recognized by the Philippine Government with a permit to operate.

All this excitement brings great responsibility in fulfilling the needs and the burden of our hearts to see Ati children be appreciated as valued residents of this country and world. It also means we need to make the need known to the family of God around the world. Please help us make it possible to keep this school going and these Ati students in school. Our need is to provide salaries for teachers and staff, food for daily lunch meals, school supplies, continued classroom construction and school maintenance.

For decades, the Ati tribal people have been discriminated against. Because of their passive gentle spirits, and their skin color, they have been neglected and forgotten within society. We have seen this neglect and discrimination first hand. When visiting the public schools, we have seen Ati students pushed to the back of the line, last to get books and school supplies, struggling to learn and seated in the back of classes. We have seen and heard the Ati students be the target of negative comments and verbal abuse. This type of prejudice has kept so many Ati children from receiving good and complete education. Many Ati children don't go to school and others drop out of school because of persecution.

For these reasons, our hearts were burdened four years ago to open a school for the Ati, where Ati students can receive an uninhibited academic Christian education. We are asking you and many of our friends to consider taking on the task of helping us find sponsors for the 74 Ati tribal children who our First Love staff ministers to at 'Malay Agape Sunbeam Academy'.

Can you help us get the word out and help find sponsors for these children? Perhaps you could even forward this email to a friend who you think might be willing to help build a life, with love, nurturing and education for the Ati child?

2014 Teachers and Staff

2013 Students, Staff and Friends Last year's staff, Pastor Peter and Pastor Ray

Here's The Plan!

By providing just $30 a month, a sponsor can help an Ati student receive spiritual and academic education, daily nutritious meals, vitamins, health care, encouragement and a loving environment. Sponsors will be helping to build lives and launch these children into productive Christian citizens. Sponsors will also receive a semi annual letter from their sponsored child.

New uniforms for 2014 Cards of children ready to send out to Sponsors

Please reply to us at and let us know you want to sponsor a child. We will send you a photo card of your child with the child's history, age and grade. We'll also send you a semi annual letter from that student.

Options for making a donation to sponsor a child:

  1. Send a monthly or yearly check to First Love International. . . First Love International Ministries PO Box 15836, Loves Park, IL 61132

  2. Have an auto withdrawal taken monthly from your checking account. Write to us and we will tell you how to set this up.

  3. Make monthly or yearly payments online at the First Love Website ( .

Click on the "DONATE' button. Find the option 'Support a Specific Missionary or Ministry'. Then find the 'Ati Tribal Ministry'.

Love and Mabuhay from Boracay and Panay Islands!

Dan and Tori Beaver Directors of Boracay and Panay Island Ministries, First Love International

And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.' Matt. 25:40

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