Unveiling Hope A Midst Destruction

Imagine vast stretches of towns and cities having been obliterated off the face of the earth.  A sight so devastating and unfathomable that one can not understand exactly the brevity of such destruction, until one personally beholds it . . . giant trees toppled, concrete power poles snapped in half, large steel structures crumpled.

The destruction from the super typhoon was truly devastating. For the past few days, my heart has burned with grief and sorrow as our First Love team and I have viewed miles and miles of flattened homes, neighborhoods and cities, as a result of the worst storm calamity ever recorded.  20 ft ocean surges came in and swirled like gigantic washing machines over towns and villages.  The loss of life is incomprehensible. The stench of dead bodies still lingering throughout the city.

I stood amazed at the destruction from the winds and tidal wave surges.

- There is one pastor who lost his pregnant wife and their toddler child, and yet after the storm, he continued to help others in need.

- A young male teacher heroically rescued four female teachers trapped inside their classroom as the water was rising.  He risked his life to save others.

- Out of a family of 10, only one survived.

- Reports are that all the babies in the maternity ward of the hospital were swept away when the tidal wave came in and flooded the hospital.

- Widows and orphans so numerous.  We are compelled to pray for these.

These are just a few of the many gripping stories.