The Ati People
The Ati people are a minority tribe living in poverty and isolation on the island of Panay in the Philippines. They have dark skin and curly hair. They are similar to the Aborigines living in Australia. Rejected by the majority of the population, four Ati clans live on a mountain side with no school, poor nutrition and health care.
Two years ago, we began to visit these clans three times a week; to feed the Ati mothers and children with nutritious food and establish a relationship with them.
From these visits a strong desire grew in our hearts to bring better education to the Ati children, so that they could be given opportunity. Given hope for jobs and a better way of life it is our desire to stop the cycle of poverty with in their race. As a result, we have already purchased land where the Ati live and have begun constructing the first school building for the Ati children, a powerful symbol of God’s love and hope for their future.
Do you have a willing heart and hands to come and help bring a short term team, to help with the construction of the school and orphanage? A team could also come to help tutor and teach the Ati children. If you can not come, could you help by purchasing construction materials?